Thursday, November 21, 2013

CD Cover Assignment

See some examples of last year's cd covers here. 

5th Photo Assignment

Your 8 photos that you are going to take are going to be for a cd for “The Soundtrack of Your Life.” You can come up with a more creative name than that, but the cover art should reflect you and your life. You will need a front image and back image.
The Soundtrack of Your Life
For today’s assignment you will pick ten songs that will make up the soundtrack of your life. You need to have the song title and the artist name. Your song list with artist name and title will appear on the back of your cd. Fill in your song titles and artist name in a Google Document named "Soundtrack of My Life."
CD Cover Photo Shop Work
Your cd cover images will be due next week, Tuesday, December 3. For today’s work you will need to get your CD cover ready and then you will add your picture images after next week’s turn in.

• Create a new Image file that is 10 wide by 5 high, 300 resolution, background color and named cd cover.

• The 5 inches on the right will be the front of the cd cover and the 5 inches on the left will be the back of the cd cover.

• Your song titles and artist go on the back.

• Your CD name will go on the front.

• You will need an image on the front and back of your cd.

• Save your Photoshop file as psd and your finished project as a jpeg.

Your CD Images are due on Friday, December 6.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Photos #3, The Black and White Collection

The Black and White Collection
For your 3rd photo assignment you are going to do a photo collection.  This means that all of your pictures will be related in some way.  You may decide on the content of your collection and compose the pictures however you’d like (following the rules of composition).  You need to keep in mind though, that the final product will be black and white images in a collection of 4.
Here’s the step I suggest you follow:
1.    Decide what you want your collection to be about.  Think about things that are interesting to photograph that are somehow related.  For example: Different Pieces of Architecture, Natural elements (leaves, trees, stones), Kitchen Items, Geometric Shapes, Sports Equipment and athletes etc.  The possibilities are endless!
2.    Think about how you can take the picture in an interesting way and also make the blacks and whites of the photo stand out.
3.    Take the pictures!  Take more than you need so you have a lot to work with as you create your collection.
4.   Use Photoshop and convert all your images to black and white.  After you desaturate the images, make sure you use brightness and contrast to make the images dynamic black and whites.
Your color images will be due in class on November 4th.. You will need to turn in 12 images (3 sets of 4).
You will then have time in class to turn the images into Black and White.
Your finalized Black and White Collection will be due on
November 8th.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Last Week October 14-18

Last week we completed our second photo assignment.  We used pictures from that assignment and completed the T.C. Mosaic assignment and T.C. Hallway poster project.  If you have not completed any of these assignments, please look in your Google Drive for the documents that I shared with you with full details.  
Today, we will be working in Photoshop.  

Monday, October 7, 2013

Photos #2 Assignment

Below is your second photo assignment.  Today, I want you to spend time looking at other photographers work and come up with photos ideas that you would like to use as model images for your own work.  

Here are some links to help you:
Beautiful Photos from Everyday Life

National Geographic

The Real Secret to Taking Spectacular Photos


1. Photo Mosaic….Your best picture to be displayed in our class mosaic. Each student will take a photo to be placed in a 5x5 space. Make it colorful, make it interesting, make it your work of art.

2. The Faces of T.C.---I want something that shows off who we are at T.C.--Think 24x36 enlargement for our hallways. Take pictures at lunch, at the game, in the hallways, in class (with permission), out for pizza, all you need is great composition, great exposure and some Tri County Vikings. You will need to be a photo director for these images. Each of your images will need to be full frame shots without cropping!

3.  Natural Light--Take a picture that shows the beauty of natural light.  This can be a beautiful sunset, light shining through flower petals, light illuminating beautiful blue eyes, you decide the content, but light should be a dominant element. 
Don't use your flash unless it is for fill flash.  

**Don’t take Pictures of pictures, Posters or Artwork***
You will need to take pictures that represent the basic elements of photographic composition.

• Get Close and FILL THE FRAME!!!

Your Digital Pictures are due at the beginning of the class on October 15 to get credit for having your images turned in on time.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Digital terms and camera modes

What do all the modes on your camera do? Check out this link:

Use the links below to find definitions for your digital photography terms.

When you finish with this, please read the post about Photographing Pets.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, September 17

Today was a very important day!  We went over the notes for composition.  If you weren't here, make sure to get the notes!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Post #2 Best Moments, Historical or both?

Some of the best moments in life involve Photography.  Some of the worst moments in life involve Photography.  We see pictures of wedding days and babies, but we also see pictures from World Wars and moments like 9/11 in New York . 

Pictures mean different things to different people.  What have pictures meant to you in your life?  Do you view them as something that records history, works of art or both? 


 Do you have a favorite picture?  Why is it your favorite picture?



Monday, June 3, 2013

Meijer Gardens Work

I hope those of you that went on Friday had a great time.  Just a reminder to everyone that your Meijer Photos or your Alternative assignment Photos need to be shared in Dropbox with me.  I will need those photos by Wednesday which will give you time to edit them and make them look their best.
Mr. Mabie is looking for photos for the conference rooms and I am hoping to find some great photos in these dropbox folders and enlarge them for him.  

Photo Portfolios and good picture essays are also due this week on Wednesday.  
We will be doing class evaluations/reflective essays in class on Thursday. 
Make it a great week!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Here is a overview map of the sculpture park.  For a better view, use the website
You can see photos of the sculptures there also.

Don't forget your permission slip and $3.50 tomorrow!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hallway Posters and Meijer Gardens

Just a reminder that your edited hallway posters are due to me in dropbox tomorrow, May 24.  Also, we are planning a field trip to Meijer Gardens to take photos on May 31.  You must be passing this class in order to be able to go on the field trip.  

Monday, April 22, 2013

Photo Assignment 6

6th Photo Assignments
Composing Digital Pictures
Using a digital camera:
Take two pictures of the following topics:
1. A Picture entitled “This is My Town”
2. A person of influence (make sure to make this an interesting portrait)
3.  Self Timer Self Portrait
4. Things that come in 2.  

5.  Inside My Refrigerator

Don’t forget about Composition—take 2 pictures of each topic that show me that you understand the Rule of Thirds and Photographic Composition.
Your Edited Images are due at the end of the class on  April 30th.  
Please name your dropbox folder with your name and photos 6.   
**Don’t take Pictures of pictures, Posters or Artwork***
Photos are 20 points each.  

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Tree Collection

Photos # 5

Another Example of The Black and White Collection

Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Taking better portraits

Please spend time today reading about taking better portraits at the link below.

Make sure to click on the link with each number.

Also, if you have not shared any of the following drop box folders, please do so:
1. Photos 1
2. Photos 2
3.  Photoshop 1 & 2 (your rule of thirds labeled photo and logo)
4.  Color Collage--10 photos of different color & 1 8x10 collage
5.  Stations Day 
6.   Photo Filters  (MME/ACT week assignment)

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18, 2013

Photos #2 are due today!  I am excited to see your work. Please spend the hour editing your images in Photoshop making them look their best.  When you are done editing, please follow the submission requirements and submit your photos to me today.  
All Photos do not have to be edited before submitting them, however, the more you edit now, the more likely they will make the photo submission "Wall of Fame" and it will save you editing time later.  
Please make sure to keep copies of your original images.  
Make it a great day!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13

Here's some things to work on today:

  • Your Top 10 list for silhouette and Top 9 for backgrounds.  This should be a Google Document with titles and complete sentences.
  • Your Station Pictures from yesterday.  All pictures should use the background and no people in the picture with the stool.  
  • Your photos for this week, Photos 2
  • Your blog post with your silhouette
  • Your color collage that we started and did not finish before ACT.
***Also, don't forget the Photoshop #1 and #2 Assignments from last week. 

Make it a great day!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

2nd Photo Assignments

2nd Photo Assignments

Composing Digital Pictures

Using a digital camera, take 2 pictures of each assigned topic.

1. People

2. Patterns or Lines

3. Backlight Silhouette

4. Animal (s)

5. Rule of Thirds Composition 

Don’t take Pictures of pictures, Posters or Artwork***
Composition is a MUST! Your pictures should have a focal point, uncluttered background and use lighting to add to the QUALITY of the Image.
For this photography assignment and ALL photography assignments for this class:

1. YOU CANNOT be in the IMAGE!!!!!!!!!

2. The picture must be a picture that you took for this class. YOU CANNOT use pictures from earlier in your life.

3. You Must have the digital image saved on your student account.

Your Digital Pictures are due at the beginning of the class on

Monday, March 18.

Photos are 20 points each=200 total.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Color Tint Collage

Posted by Picasa
Create an 8x 10 collage that contains your photos of different color tint.  Make sure that each picture has a frame around it  and that each picture is the same size and proportion.
You do not need to use all 10 photos if they don't fit the 8x10 proportion.  

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Warm Up, February 25: Test Yourself

As we end our first week together, go to the link below and test your photography knowledge.  At this point you should have a good understanding of how cameras work. 
Test Yourself

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

One of my favorite pictures

This is one of my favorite pictures. It was taken with a small Olympus point and shoot digital camera. It is a perspective picture that I have entitled "We." I like that it is a unique perspective for a couple picture and that the bubbles show up on top of the water. The picture is well exposed and in focus. It is also full of contrast and balance.
Your Blog Post #3 will look just like this. Post your favorite photo and explain why it is your favorite.