Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Camera Research Project

Camera Research Project

What to buy, Where to go????
You will need to use the Internet, the newspaper and store sales associates to come up with your educated answer. You will need to document your sources. List 2 websites for each camera.

Your Christmas Shopping dilemma:
Your mom is asking for a digital camera for her birthday. She doesn’t know very much about cameras, but knows that she wants a digital picture that prints at high quality. You being her favorite child are ever happy to buy her the present she has requested.

Your job is to research digital cameras coming up with information and examples that cover the entire spectrum from 300 to 1200 dollars. Your presentation should include 3 different cameras ($300 range, $600 range, $1200 range)

Your research should focus on

1. What do all the numbers mean 400 X 680, 680 x 1200, megapixels etc.? What kind of lens does it have? Does it have different shooting modes?

2. What kind of storage does it use: a memory stick, media card, etc.?

3. What kind of battery doe is have?

4. What is the difference in cost? What do you lose by spending less?

Your Presentation:

Must be done on November 22
Must be visual in some way (Publisher Newsletter, power point, etc.)
You will need to have a picture of each camera.
You will need to list the components of the camera PLUS an explanation of what that means.

DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. You need to write your explanation in your own words!

Try these Research Links to get started:
Best Buy
New Egg

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