Thursday, March 21, 2013

Taking better portraits

Please spend time today reading about taking better portraits at the link below.

Make sure to click on the link with each number.

Also, if you have not shared any of the following drop box folders, please do so:
1. Photos 1
2. Photos 2
3.  Photoshop 1 & 2 (your rule of thirds labeled photo and logo)
4.  Color Collage--10 photos of different color & 1 8x10 collage
5.  Stations Day 
6.   Photo Filters  (MME/ACT week assignment)

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18, 2013

Photos #2 are due today!  I am excited to see your work. Please spend the hour editing your images in Photoshop making them look their best.  When you are done editing, please follow the submission requirements and submit your photos to me today.  
All Photos do not have to be edited before submitting them, however, the more you edit now, the more likely they will make the photo submission "Wall of Fame" and it will save you editing time later.  
Please make sure to keep copies of your original images.  
Make it a great day!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13

Here's some things to work on today:

  • Your Top 10 list for silhouette and Top 9 for backgrounds.  This should be a Google Document with titles and complete sentences.
  • Your Station Pictures from yesterday.  All pictures should use the background and no people in the picture with the stool.  
  • Your photos for this week, Photos 2
  • Your blog post with your silhouette
  • Your color collage that we started and did not finish before ACT.
***Also, don't forget the Photoshop #1 and #2 Assignments from last week. 

Make it a great day!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

2nd Photo Assignments

2nd Photo Assignments

Composing Digital Pictures

Using a digital camera, take 2 pictures of each assigned topic.

1. People

2. Patterns or Lines

3. Backlight Silhouette

4. Animal (s)

5. Rule of Thirds Composition 

Don’t take Pictures of pictures, Posters or Artwork***
Composition is a MUST! Your pictures should have a focal point, uncluttered background and use lighting to add to the QUALITY of the Image.
For this photography assignment and ALL photography assignments for this class:

1. YOU CANNOT be in the IMAGE!!!!!!!!!

2. The picture must be a picture that you took for this class. YOU CANNOT use pictures from earlier in your life.

3. You Must have the digital image saved on your student account.

Your Digital Pictures are due at the beginning of the class on

Monday, March 18.

Photos are 20 points each=200 total.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Color Tint Collage

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Create an 8x 10 collage that contains your photos of different color tint.  Make sure that each picture has a frame around it  and that each picture is the same size and proportion.
You do not need to use all 10 photos if they don't fit the 8x10 proportion.